Electrochemical Energy Research Group

Total Publications: 240
Average H-index: 55 (as of April, 2023).
Total Citations = 13609(Google Scholar),
(scopus) Author ID: 23389764500
Google Scholar URL:Profile
Dr. Thandavarayan Maiyalagan received his Ph.D in Physical chemistry from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, and completed postdoctoral programs at the Newcastle University (UK) and at the University of Texas, Austin (USA). His main research interests concern new materials and their electrochemical properties for energy conversion and storage devices, electrocatalysts, fuel cells and biosensors. He has published numerous articles on the innovative design of the materials for energy conversion and storage in well-reputed journals such as Nature Commun, ACS catalysis, Nanoenergy. J. Materials Chemistry A, and Nanoscale etc.
Selected High Impact Publications
Advanced Energy Materials (1 article) - Impact Factor: 25.47
Advanced Science (1 article) - Impact Factor: 15.84
Nature Communications (1 article) - Impact Factor: 11.47
Nano Energy (1 article) - Impact Factor: 10.35
ACS catalysis (2 articles) -Impact Factor: 9.3
Nanoscale (3 articles) - Impact Factor: 7.3
Journal of Materials Chemistry (3 articles) - Impact Factor: 7.4
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (1 article) - Impact Factor: 7.49
Journal of Power Sources (4 articles) - Impact Factor: 6.2
Analytical Chemistry (1 article) - Impact factor: 5.6)
Electrochemistry Communications (1 article) - Impact factor: 5.2
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (1 article) - Impact factor: 4.3
Journal of Materials Chemistry A (1 article) - Impact factor: 11.30
International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy (16 article) - Impact factor: 4.8