Electrochemical Energy Research Group

About the workshop
Recent years have seen exponential growth in the deployment of energy storage systems, at both the large scale and small scale. Energy storage devices play critical role in 21st century towards energy security and inclusive growth of the society. Since the Li-ion revolution, Lithium ion batteries are doing far more than laptops and smartphones, but are being used in high-end e-vehicles like Tesla cars and grid-storage. The key question in the e-mobility market is the development of high energy density electrode materials to reduce the upfront costs, increase the e-vehicles operating range, and safety aspects.
Going beyond Li-ion technology, Na-ion chemistry, Li-Sulfur batteries, and flow batteries are expected to widely dominate the storage devices due to their low-cost raw materials and safety features. Given the huge demand for EV market, the innovation in the materials front and cost reduction could be significant boost in the years to come. In this scenario, huge challenge and opportunities are existing for scientific communities in the landscape of storage devices.